Bahbo’s Death Journey I

We are a nuclear family of 11.  Nine siblings and parents in their late eighties.  That alone is amazing.  But recently the first member of the 11 was on a death journey.  It was quick–pneumonia took him in a week.   Dad’s death was not a complete surprise– those last years predicting it in increased frailty of body, and slowing of mind.  But I doubt that we realized what was coming in the gift of his dying process.

During Dad’s last week about 70 family members came to say goodbye!    We counted 27 in his hospital room one afternoon, sitting on floor, laps, whatever!  (The hospital staff was most gracious throughout.) The great grandchildren were unabashed as they climbed up onto the bed and snuggled up next to ‘Bahbo’.  Though non-responsive, we’re sure he was aware at some level.  It was a privilege to be with Dad that week—we think our gathering together in family love and caring was one of his last gift to us.  And perhaps he hung around a few more days because he didn’t want to leave the party!

And so the gift begins.

Peter’s Account:

The Spirits Gather

My father, Bahbo’s, last three nights were marked by uniquely different experiences for me. Three days prior to his expiring I was physically moved, stood up and led, by ‘angels’ holding my hands, to the opposite side of his bed to join the spirits that were there. One had the face of his mother superimposed on it. I felt so privileged to be included with this group and was totally humbled by it. The bed was surrounded with these entities, which had a consistent draped form, and I was in the second row shoulder to shoulder, hands held by ‘angels’. It felt as if they were there, had gathered, for a specific purpose and his ‘mother’ joked with me about how happy I must be to have been included.  I responded nonverbally that I certainly was, and she smiled. I was just soooo happy and felt so privileged to have been included with this group. Afterward I felt a bit overwhelmed with what had just happened but I was also full of joy.

Bahbo’s Light Body

Two days prior to Bahbo’s death, a bright white light began to glow and grow in intensity within him until it was bursting out of every pore of his body. To see and feel the power of this light as it was expanding was truly amazing. I was awe struck and felt drawn to the head of his bed and began talking to him. “Wow Daddy, what’s happening to you?” Eventually, the light became so powerful that his skin actually fell through it to the bed. Now there was an amazingly beautiful ‘body’ of light where his human form had been. I was overwhelmed with the beauty of it and began to exclaim, over and over, how beautiful he was!  The light was just so intense and sooooo beautiful. This went on for some time before I began to realize that his human skin was beginning to refill with the light. I told him that there was no way that he was going to get all that back inside. I encouraged him to let go, and told him that it was his time and that we were all ready; Mom would be taken care of.  I just could not believe that he could get it all back inside, but eventually he did.  As his human body returned to normal, I wondered if he had missed an opportunity to cross over. This was an amazing event for me, to see his essence, his soul; it was so wonderful.  This was a very profound and powerful experience. The other people in the room noticed and described to me later that I was glowing white from my waist up during and after this event.

Several hours later I found myself traveling great distances through the universe. I have done this many times in the past but this time was different in that, for the first time, I encountered a physical object. A, bring tears to your eyes, geometric shape of the most beautiful white light was encountered. I could not tell if it was enormous and a great distance away or closer and small in size. But an array of good feelings arose within me while it was visible. It had an impact that was more that visual and I had the feeling that it was traveling for a purpose.

Day Three: The Ceremony

On the last night with Bahbo, Thursday, there was what I have come to think of as “The Ceremony”. Once again I felt I was being physically moved by entities in the room.  They held my hands, stood me up and ushered me from the side of his bed where I was sitting, to the foot of the bed.  I was fully aware of the two states that I was in—I was in the room with other family members but I was also engaged and participating at another level with a group of energy forms. As we stood together we were ‘in the front row’, close to the foot of the bed. They continued to hold my hands and I felt as if there were many other entities present; that a whole gallery was forming behind me and those holding my hands. My body began to vibrate.  During this first phase of my body vibrating, green and then blue mist began swirling around Bahbo and covering him. The room was already packed with other energy entities but more and more continued to arrive. As they did I could feel measurable increases in the energy that was passing through me. My vibrating was powerful and required discipline from me to allow me to stay present to the experience. This seemed to be a “gathering” phase. More and more and more energy entities were continuing to arrive. This went on for about seven minutes before a pause occurred.

The vibrating stopped for a few seconds and I caught my breath before the second phase of vibrating started. Now all Bahbo’s bedding was beginning to change. Everything became billowy and full of light. It felt as though he was being bundled or wrapped with what was now light-filled, radiating and puffy “bedding”.  Continuously, different energy entities were filling the room and I was really being rocked by the vibrating. Energy levels were continually increasing in the room and I was inside them. The “wrapping” continued and his head now became very small at the top of it all. It felt as if his head was no longer a necessary element; it was as if it could just fall off and be discarded. I was definitely not in control of anything within my body. I was now locked into what ever it was that was happening. It felt almost sacred though, as if something very special was occurring. There were just so many energy forms present; packed into the room. This also went on for about seven minutes before another short pause occurred.

When the third phase of vibrating began, the ante of energy in the room was upped tremendously!  At some point the vibrating of my legs against the bead actually took on a rhythm or pattern. There was definitely a “beat” to it and I had absolutely no control of it. I can’t begin to explain or describe just how full the room was but I continued to feel that many distinct entities were gathered and they just kept coming. The room wasn’t just full of energy; the energy in the room was from “individual” entities and there were now a great many of them present. I felt included, part of an ‘event’ and a witness to something truly special. What had been Bahbo continued to be wrapped and was now taking on the most beautiful glow you could ever imagine. No part of his human body remained visible.  He was now something that had become ~ a package… Then it was over; everyone was gone in a nano second. For twenty-two minutes, the room that had been packed to the gills and soooo full of energy now felt empty. I had feelings of comfort and relief and I was calm and settled.

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